Advisory Board, Credits & Disclaimer
Copyright 2009, Humboldt Earthquake Education Center at Cal Poly Humboldt. Reproduction by permission only.
Disclaimer This document is intended to promote earthquake and tsunami readiness. It is based on the best currently available scientific, engineering, and sociological research; following its suggestions, however, does not guarantee the safety of an individual or of a structure. The writers, contributors, and sponsors of this handbook assume no liability for death, injuries, property damage, or other effect of an earthquake or tsunami.
Prepared by the Humboldt Earthquake Education Center and the Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group (RCTWG), in cooperation with the California Earthquake Authority (CEA), California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), California Geological Survey (CGS), Department of Interior United States Geological Survey (USGS), National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service, with contributions from many members of the Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group. The Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group is a member of the Earthquake Country Alliance, a statewide “alliance of alliances” linking the public information efforts of organizations and individuals that provide earthquake information and services in California.
Writers Lori Dengler, Mark Hemphill-Haley, Vernon Felton, Allison Monro (Cal Poly Humboldt), and Judy Warren (American Red Cross)
Production Humboldt Marketing & Communications
Design Kristen Stegeman-Gould
Web design Matt Hodgson & Jen Rees
Photography Kellie Jo Brown and Jarad Petroske
Contributors Yvonne Everett, Greg Crawford Cal Poly Humboldt; Troy Nicolini NOAA NWS; Vicki Ozaki Redwood National and State Parks; Linda Nellist, Judy Warren American Red Cross; Jim Goltz, Greg Renick Cal EMA; Johanna Fenton FEMA; Rick Wilson, Jim Falls CGS; Ivan Wong, Keith Knudsen URS Corporation; Eddie Bernard NOAA PMEL; Jay Love Degenkolb; Mary Lou Zoback Risk Management Solutions; Stuart Nishenko PG&E; Mark Benthien Southern California Earthquake Center; Carol Prentice, Brian Atwater USGS; Richard McCarthy, Robert Anderson California Seismic Safety Commission; Alan Winogradov Del Norte County; Labecca Nessier Yurok Tribe; Shirley Laos Trinidad Rancheria; Dan Larkin Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office OES; Kathy Moley Pacific Watershed Associates; Walter Dudley University of Hawaii at Hilo; Chris Nance, Rolf Erikson California Earthquake Authority.
Special thanks to the Southern California Earthquake Center and members of the 1906 Earthquake Centennial Alliance for the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety and additional materials adapted from the Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country series.
Illustrators and Photographers Kellie Brown (cover,p. 2, 3, 4-5, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 31), Edna Garrett courtesy Peter Palmquist collection (p.8, 11); Kevin Bayless (p. 8); Tom Lisle (p. 10); Clark Museum (p. 10); Karl Steinbrugge1 (p. 10); Stephen Mahin1 (p. 11); Ross Boulanger (p. 11); Smith Collection Pacific Tsunami Museum (p. 12); Jose Borrero (p. 12); Reuters (p.12); Photoduck (p.12); Jarad Petroske (p. 15), Victor Kaistrenko (p. 16); Guy Gelfenbaum (p. 17); Cal EMA (p. 25); San Leandro EQ Retrofit Program (p. 24); Todd Connor (p. 20, 21, 27); USGS (p. 6, 7, 9, 13, 17); RCTWG2 (p. 15); Lori Dengler (p. 16); NOAA PMEL (p. 17); Josh Jackson (p. 17); Zeke Smith (p. 18-19); Ann Elliot Cutting (p. 26); American Red Cross (p. 29)
1 Courtesy of the National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering, EERC, University of California, Berkeley
2 Evacuation map based on relative hazard maps by Jay Patton and Lori Dengler
Dedication To the memory of Rolf Erickson, whose tireless work promoting earthquake preparedness has made our generation of Californians safer.